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Helping Homeless Keiki Succeed Since 2003

College Dormitory Rehab Project
Our dormitory on the Big Island is nearly complete. It contains six rooms to house up to thirteen female college students. It provides living spaces, kitchens, and therapy/consultation areas for our students.
Our Wellness Center will host classes such as cooking, gardening, yoga and more.
We offer two-year degree program occupancy, which is an estimated cost of $21,600* per student.
We need to raise $93,000 to complete construction and to get our students housed for their first year.
Each student will have a cost of $10,800 per year, which includes their housing, workshops, life coaching and related costs. Our program has a unique approach to ending the mindset of poverty and creating future leaders.
Join our journey to healing their lives and paving their path to a successful future.
Your donation has a life changing impact that truly creates the path the success! Instead of each girl having two babies and living off the government system to repeat the cycle of which they were born, these girls will obtain the life and social skills to become community members who give back and make the world a better place to live. Each young lady will have the opportunity to obtain a degree in their selected field, have the life coaching to live their purpose with passion and the mental healing to escape their cycle of poverty. Our past experience with our teen mentoring program prior to the dormitory program has seen such success and created career focused woman, business owners, and even home owners. This program will expand the opportunities and help create even more successful outcome at accelerated rate. More information about our residential program
Just image every 2 years we will have 12 young ladies entering the new world of success, verse up to 24 children being born into the system of poverty.
Providing a youth with the stability and feelings of safety along with encouragement and love they will excel in all their endeavors! This place is that for them!!
Construction will be completed by
July 1, 2025
Join our team and volunteer your time or donation to complete our project.
Construction Support!
Be Involved
Overall Vision/Goals/Services Provided
To prepare our future generations, by propelling them into advanced education and providing skills for a bright future;
To create a safe place for our young ladies to gain their own self worth and find their passion through our workshops and on-sight curriculum;
To positively impact the lives of our students by providing mentorship, leadership skill development and counseling programs to allow them to move into contributing members of society;
For each student to graduate with a 2 year degree or career development program while residing in the dormitory;
Enrolling in the UH Hilo Bonner Program which also includes leadership training and on-site paid internships to acquire hands on experience in their field of study;
Those who wish to continue on to their 4 year degree will also be accepted in all inclusive program with our partnership with UH Hilo.
Once completing the program, each young lady will be ready for the real world with the skills to run and maintain a household, the financial understanding of being self-sufficient and the self-esteem to pursue their dreams.
Each student deserves a safe and supportive environment to call home. Your donation ensures our Teens have the home they need amidst their studies.
Help our Young Ladies
go to college.
Founding ~ Legacy
Donations of $25,000. or more. Our room sponsors are honored with plaques above the rooms they helped found this life changing program. Sponsor will also be able to name the room.
Reach out now to express your interest in providing a safe space for our students.
Sponsor Students
Each student has an annual cost of $10,800 and will be a resident for 2 years. Your sponsorship ensures a safe and supportive space for our youth to pursue their degrees. Your donation also assure their leadership and life skills training.
Honored with a plaque. Reach out to express your interest in sponsoring a student.
You are their path to success


The following slideshow is a very powerful insight to the importance to our dormitory project. It is the next step our children need to complete their journey to success with us.
In the slides you will see little children, then you will see these same children growing to jr. leaders, and then to teen mentors ...all the way to college bound. In the fall of 2025 WITH YOUR SUPPORT, some of these girls will be living in our dormitory!! Help make this a reality for so many homeless teens escaping their cycle of poverty