#projecthawaii #projecthawaiiinc #homelessinhawaii #homelesskeiki #homelessinparadise #giversgain #donatetocharity #childrenscharity #hawaiicharity #makingadifference #childreninpoverty #homelesskeiki #homelesskeikiinmaui #homelesskeikiinhawaii #homelesskeikionoahu #homelesskeikibigisland #homelesskeikiinhawaii #homeless #teensonthestreets #givetocharity #topratednonprofit #besthawaiicharity #bestchildrenscharity #awardwinningcharity
Helping Homeless Keiki Succeed Since 2003

Monthly outreach is the backbone to our success. Continuing to search for the homeless unsheltered children and providing monthly hygiene and meal cards as well as emergency care supportive needs.
We typically find 2-3 new families per month, and even more during the holidays.
We are able to reach out to approx. 1,500 homeless children annually. Currently we work with 408 on big island, 386 on O'ahu, and 157 on Maui full-time. Click here

Our award-winning summer camps provide the vital social and life skills needed for our children to succeed. We run our programs June-Aug.
Our program is very unique by providing 3 levels of learning for our keiki so they can start camp as young as 3 years and then become teen mentors through high school.
This program also provide our 350 homeless children with their back to school supplies.

Our Waikiki Teens on the Streets provides our 150 teens with their basic needs, gift cards for meals and hygiene. We also partner with retailers to help secure employment as well as training. Support services to keep them in school. We have also partnered with the S.I.S program to provide scholarships for college.
Our Teen Mentoring and Outreach programs have seen a 90% success rate of teens escaping their cycle of poverty. They graduate from High School, go on to college or pursue career choices. Click here

This program helps our homeless moms bond with their babies and learn the life skills to care for them properly while they develop healthy brain growth. This weekly program provides services to 80 infants/toddlers across the island of O'ahu
Athletic Support ~ Healthy Hearts
This program provides all our homeless children and teens the security to follow their dreams and passions. We provide all their athletic support needed, from gear, shoes, uniform and even tuition costs.
All Islands ~ All Ages

Projected $478,500.00
Our dormitory has been purchased and being developed to open
Fall 2025.
Housing up to 12 young ladies for their 2-year degree on the Big Island.
Open to all Islands Teens.
Annual Budget is projected to be $170,200.00

Our Christmas Wish program is a unique experience for these children. Providing wishes wrapped from Santa and delivered by elves across the islands of O'ahu , Maui & Big Island to over 1,200 children in the most remote areas. Christmas Parties across the islands. Our amazing event changes the lives of these children forever.
To read a Christmas story click here

Easter is another holiday that comes along with school breaks without meals and feelings of being forgot. Our agency delivers the joy of this holiday with Easter baskets, bunny bags of hygiene and meals. Once again providing self worth and feeling of being loved. Providing outreach across the islands to over 650 homeless children. Click Here

Our Transitional Housing program is now open on O'ahu and Big Island.
We have 2 homes on Big Island to house families on the Eastside.
On O'ahu we just secured a condo on the Westside to house a single mom and one child.