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Helping Homeless Keiki Succeed Since 2003

Click to learn more about our impact.
& Reports
All our programs are created to work together, we are here for the long run to help these children succeed. We measure our success through their success, sometimes that is a decade long journey. Our overall impact is helping them create the mindset to rise above their current situation and gain the self worth needed to succeed.
We truly instill the heart of Aloha; love, hope, compassion, longevity, integrity and trust... sound unique?
Yes we are!
Our impact results for 2023 are listed below.

Results: Better Health, Brain Development, Better Sleep, Concentration in School.

Results: Helping to house the displaced, preparing children for return to school, providing over 30,000 emergency meals and other emergency support for the first 10 weeks

Results: Higher Self-Esteem, Gaining Life and Social Skills, Basic Life Needs Met, eventually gaining the self worth to escape the cycle of poverty

Results: We have an 80% success rate of our teens graduating verse the Hawaii State Average of LESS than 40%. More teens attending college, less teens having babies, more productive citizens, less incarceration, stronger communities

Results: Over 1,500 provided with life needs, educational camps, and full time care. Building a Dormitory and opening more programs and outreach

Results: Families moving out of tents, cars and off the streets. Less dependent on social services, moving towards a higher standard of life. Including those from the Maui Fires

Results: Children prepared for their school year, higher grades, less drop out rate, social development and educational learning. Building a stronger foundation of self worth.

Results: Gaining Self Leadership Qualities, learning life lessons for success. Eventually graduating and becoming self sufficient

Results: More opportunity to reading materials, access to educational worksheets while school is out, higher learning, less falling behind

Serving 3 Islands with 17 dedicated Team Leaders. Results: Changing lives of homeless keiki

Results: Less Dependent on social service and government support. Gaining work ethics and escaping their poverty lifestyle

Results: Self esteem to participate in social events, going to school and feeling comfortable in life.

Results: Instilling self-esteem, learning team work, college scholarships, building relationships.

Results: Instilling community service and compassion in the lives of our future generation

Results: Trust, Support System, Navigate life and social skills to utilize resources to escape homelessness. Including 10 weeks of Maui Fire Support

Results: They know they are worth it. When a child grows with the feeling they deserve "it" they can achieve "it".